WhatsApp is globally rolling out WhatsApp Channels, a feature that allows users to receive updates from organizations and individuals while maintaining their privacy. The feature includes an enhanced directory, reaction emojis, editing capabilities, and improved forwarding options, with further expansion and user-generated channels planned for the future.
14 September 2023 – In an exciting development, WhatsApp is rolling out WhatsApp Channels to more than 150 countries, providing users with a private means to receive personalized updates. This expansion welcomes thousands of organizations, sports teams, artists, and thought leaders to connect with their followers directly within the WhatsApp platform.
For those new to WhatsApp Channels, the primary aim is to create the most secure and private broadcast service available. Channels operate independently from your regular chats, ensuring that the identities of those you follow remain confidential and hidden from other followers. Additionally, WhatsApp is committed to safeguarding the personal information of both channel administrators and followers.
Building upon the positive feedback received during its initial launch in ten countries, WhatsApp is introducing several updates as Channels go global:
- Enhanced Directory: Users can now discover channels to follow through an automatically filtered directory based on their country. They can also explore new, highly active, and popular channels based on the number of followers.
- Reactions: Users can express their feelings using emojis to provide feedback on updates, and the total count of reactions is visible. Importantly, how individuals react will not be disclosed to other followers.
- Editing: In the near future, channel administrators will gain the ability to make updates and changes to their content for up to 30 days, after which WhatsApp will automatically remove them from their servers.
- Forwarding: When forwarding an update to chats or groups, it will include a link back to the originating channel, allowing recipients to access more information easily.
WhatsApp assures users that these updates are just the beginning. They remain committed to enhancing the Channels feature based on user feedback. In the coming months, they will enable anyone to create their own channel, further expanding the capabilities and possibilities of this feature.
For users interested in staying informed about WhatsApp’s product updates, the platform has also introduced the official WhatsApp Channel, which will provide direct updates on the latest developments and features they are working on.