WhatsApp introduces “WhatsApp Channels” in Malaysia, a private broadcast messaging service, offering strong privacy protections and separate “Updates” tab. This one-way broadcast tool enables organizations like MIASA and MDEC to share important updates while maintaining user choice and control.
25 July 2023 – WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform, has introduced its innovative feature, “WhatsApp Channels,” in Malaysia. This new service aims to provide users with the most private broadcast messaging experience, allowing them to receive crucial updates from individuals and organizations directly within WhatsApp. The channels will be housed in a separate “Updates” tab, preserving user choice and control while ensuring strong privacy protections. Admins can send one-way broadcasts, including text, photos, videos, stickers, and polls, without adding followers forcibly. Additionally, channel history will be stored on WhatsApp servers for 30 days to manage data effectively.
WhatsApp has collaborated with various Malaysia-based partners, such as the Mental Illness Awareness & Support Association (MIASA), Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), and the Badminton World Federation (BWF), to grant them early access to Channels. The President and Founder of MIASA, Puan Anita binti Abu Bakar, expressed enthusiasm, stating that WhatsApp Channels will enable better outreach, facilitating education about mental health and timely updates on awareness and advocacy activities. The feature is expected to alleviate overwhelming communications on WhatsApp, often used for volunteer, member, and staff coordination, ensuring audiences do not miss vital updates due to the chronological thread.
This launch comes after WhatsApp’s initial collaboration with global organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and Manchester City FC, and select organizations in Singapore and Colombia during the first announcement of Channels in June. The messaging platform is excited to observe how Malaysians utilize the new feature and gather valuable feedback from the local WhatsApp community.