The documentary “Shopee Rai Lokal” premiered at Shopee Super Awards 2023, showcasing the stories of three Malaysian entrepreneurs who achieved success in e-commerce. The film, a collaboration with award-winning filmmaker Khairil M. Bahar, explores the challenges and triumphs of local sellers, emphasizing Shopee’s commitment to inspire and spotlight the resilience of the Malaysian business community.
18 December 2023 – At the prestigious Shopee Super Awards 2023, hosted at the Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, the groundbreaking documentary “Shopee Rai Lokal” made its debut. Focused on the narratives of three local sellers who have triumphed over challenges in the e-commerce realm, the film serves as a testament to Malaysian entrepreneurship.
Kenneth Soh, Shopee’s Head of Marketing, described the documentary as a “love letter to Malaysian entrepreneurs,” aiming to highlight the intelligence, resilience, and values embedded in the local business community. Titled “Shopee Rai Lokal,” the film is a poignant exploration of the hurdles and victories faced by sellers in their online ventures.
The documentary, a first for Shopee in Malaysia, was produced in collaboration with Khairil M. Bahar, an award-winning indie filmmaker renowned for his notable works in the film industry. “Shopee Rai Lokal” showcases interviews with Edward Wong of HomeDecoStore, Felicia Tan of Mamami Shoppe, and Mohd Zaid of Lampu Cherita. These entrepreneurs share their personal journeys, reflecting on overcoming obstacles, starting small, and achieving sustained growth in the e-commerce landscape.
Kenneth Soh emphasized the broader objective of the documentary, stating, “By sharing this documentary, we hope to inspire others to reach for their dreams online. We are also making it easy for Malaysians to shop local by spotlighting super star sellers and capturing their stories.”
The Shopee Super Awards 2023 celebrated the achievements of 100 brands, homegrown sellers, and talents in the e-commerce industry. Notable attendees included Ainul Aishah, Ceddy Ang, Dato’ Jovian, Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza, Dolla, Neelofa, Nuex Rosli, and Zoey Rahman. The event recognized those who excelled in online sales through active participation in Shopee’s upskilling programs and engagement in various e-commerce initiatives.
The documentary introduces viewers to the journeys of three outstanding entrepreneurs, illustrating the diverse paths to success in the online marketplace. Edward Wong, founder of HomeDecoStore, shares his story of transitioning from a flight instructor to a successful online entrepreneur. Felicia Tan, founder-owner of Mamami Shoppe, narrates her mission to promote healthy living through e-commerce. Mohd Zaid of Lampu Cherita reflects on his resilience and passion for candle making, overcoming challenges in his pursuit of entrepreneurial success.
“Shopee Rai Lokal” is part of Shopee’s broader initiative to spotlight local sellers and promote the significance of buying local. The documentary aligns with Shopee’s commitment to fostering inclusion and community building through technology.