Deputy Minister YB Teo Nie Ching unveiled the Digital Ninja #GirlsInTech program on International Girls in ICT Day 2023. Organized by the Ministry of Communications and Digital (KKD) in collaboration with MDEC, the initiative aims to empower young women to pursue STEM courses. Program participants, selected through competitive competitions, received specialized training, industry insights, and scholarship guidance, all while networking with female leaders in the ICT field.
8 September 2023 – YB Teo Nie Ching, Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital (KKD), presided over the launch of the Digital Ninja #GirlsInTech program on International Girls in ICT Day 2023. The initiative, organized by the Ministry of Communications and Digital (KKD) in collaboration with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), aims to inspire and empower girls and young women to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses.
Participants in the program were selected based on their outstanding performance in a series of competitions conducted in partnership with the private sector and local universities. These young talents had the privilege of receiving specialized digital skills training, attending leadership bootcamps, and gaining industry-specific training, all while receiving guidance on securing scholarships and university placements.
Throughout the program, participants were exposed to a wide range of technology and digital skills, soft skills, and entrepreneurship training, delivered by industry experts. They also had the unique opportunity to network with influential female figures in the ICT field.
The launch event, spanning from September 7 to September 8, 2023, featured a special journey for the participants. They traveled from Kuala Lumpur KTM Station to Batu Gajah KTM Station in Perak aboard a dedicated Malayan Railway (KTM) coach. From there, they continued their educational journey to Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) in Seri Iskandar.
The launch ceremony was graced by the presence of YBhg. Datuk Mohamad Fauzi bin Md Isa, the Secretary-General of KKD, and YB Tuan Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of MDEC, who joined Deputy Minister YB Teo Nie Ching in supporting and celebrating this impactful endeavor.