BrandShield Dismantles Over 250 Websites Trafficking Counterfeit GLP-1 Drugs, Raises Alarm on Patient Safety

Cybersecurity firm BrandShield shuts down over 250 websites selling...

Adobe Unveils Integration of Third-Party AI Tools in Premiere Pro for Advanced Video Editing Capabilities

Adobe reveals plans to integrate third-party AI tools, like OpenAI,...

Shopee Leads Safety Ratings as Facebook Faces Surge in E-commerce Scams

Shopee achieves top safety rating in e-commerce, alongside Amazon and...

Malaysia Unveils Single Window Initiative to Enhance Startup Ecosystem Ahead of KL20 Summit

Malaysia’s Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation...

South Korea to Host Global AI Safety Summit, Building on Bletchley Declaration

South Korea is set to host the second global AI safety summit,...

Huawei Teases Mystery Smartphone Launch Amid Speculation Over P70 Successor

Huawei teases the launch of a mystery smartphone, fueling speculation...

Kaspersky VPN Earns AV-TEST Approval with Remarkable Performance Surge

Kaspersky VPN receives ‘Approved’ certificate from...

Malaysia Pressures Meta and TikTok to Intensify Monitoring Amidst Spike in Harmful Social Media Content

Malaysia urges Meta and TikTok to increase monitoring due to a surge...

Mastercard Unveils Strategic Reorganization to Drive Growth and Value

Mastercard has announced a strategic realignment of its teams,...


Don’t Be a Victim: How to Identify and Prevent Scams

Scams have become an increasingly prevalent threat in Malaysia,...

Exploring the Best Alternatives to Amazon

As the digital shopping landscape continues to evolve, consumers seek...

World Backup Day commentary – Modernising backup and recovery is do-or-die for APAC enterprises

In today’s data-first world, data has become the life force that...

Navigating Chinese New Year Online Shopping, Tips for a Prosperous Experience

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, is a time of...

New Year, New Old Tricks: Phishing Scammers Lure Victims with Fake Giveaways

“The most wonderful time of the year” is known for its generous...